Emily has been working with Wynne Briscoe of the Small Business Development Center since April 2017 from the beginning stages of business planning to the grand opening of her own agency. We are focusing on the strategic marketing, growth and expansion of the business.
As a long time employee in the insurance field, Emily had always thought about owning her own agency one day. The opportunity came when a local agent relocated leaving the area in need of additional agency locations. Upon first discussions with SBDC Consultant Wynne Briscoe, Emily shared her desires to take the leap from employee to business ownership. Wynne, who has many years of experience assisting individuals with this transition process, advised her every step of the way. Starting with the home budgeting, business planning process, cash flow planning and strategic marketing to determine whom her niche audience would be. Although Emily wanted to become an agent with State Farm, which has startup process, these tools she would learn can assist her with any business in the future.
After the initial business planning and the approval from State Farm, the next steps were to select a location. Wynne advised on site selections and provided contact information for commercial real estate agents to assist with securing the location that both corporate and Emily would accept. Wynne assisted with organizing a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony with the St. Mary’s County Chamber of Commerce and Grand Opening of the new Emily Cunningham State Farm Insurance Agency. A wonderful time with family, friends, business colleagues and new customers together to celebrate Emily’s big day as a new business owner.
After opening Wynne further assisted with human resources and inner office processes. To include creating job descriptions for positions, staff training, drafting and revisions of an employee handbook, staff policies, procedures, and customer care. Future consulting on marketing and growth planning will be on going as the business develops.
SBDC Business Consultant Wynne Briscoe says, “People tell me all the time they no longer wish to be an employee and want to start their own business, however they don’t do the necessary steps to make the transition. I am so proud of Emily! I enjoyed the process of assisting her in taking the leap from employee to a new business-woman. With a great support system, this leap of faith has given her the opportunity to launch her new career in the insurance industry and there is unlimited potential in her future!”
Website Address: www.EmilyIsMyAgent.com
Business Phone: 301-862-3511
Posted: 09/12/2019