Jessica has been working with Wynne Briscoe of the Small Business Development Center since January 2018 from the beginning stages of strategic planning to the launch of her business. We are focusing on the strategic marketing, growth and expansion of the business.
Jessica's first session was filled with lots of hesitation and a few tears on starting the endeavor she knew she was meant to launch. The strategic planning session gave her the clarity she needed and a process to start and grow her business. From the beginning, Jessica’s business grew rapidly with a focus on LinkedIn training with sales and marketing services.
Jessica was concerned on a life/work balance as a stay at home mom who homeschooled her younger daughter. Wynne designed a work schedule that allowed her to have the quality time she desired with family while maximizing her business hours for greatest impact. Now with the growth of her business revenue she was able to enroll her daughter in a local private school and have the flexibly she needs during the day for her business. "After 18 only months, it has been a joy to watch Jessica's business grow and flourish. I enjoy seeing her at various business networking events and hearing of all the successes she is having knowing this is just the beginning!" says Wynne Briscoe, SBDC Consultant.
Jessica has created various trainings, systems, tools and processes to offer her clients in various areas of their business. The LinkedIn and marketing clients she has assisted in such a short time are seeing major impact in their businesses. She has assisted a local St. Mary's County businesses with obtaining meetings with executives from a Fortune 1000 Company. Traveling nationally, Jessica is now a highly sought after keynote speaker for many companies and her LinkedIn trainings have grown tremendously with more clients increasing globally.
Website Address:
Business Phone: 410-349-6016
Posted: 09/12/2019